Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving Made Better By Aggies Beating Texas!

Melanie and I went to visit with Mom and brother Glenn and his family for Thanksgiving. Mom and Melanie put on a great feast Thursday and Mom, Glenn and I had a great time watching the Aggies beat Texas on Friday. Melanie joined the Black Friday masses in College Station while Glenn and I went over to Pecan Lakes in Navasota for a round of golf. Back the the Lake mid day Saturday and Melanie and I got to spend time Sunday putting up outdoor Christmas decorations.

Monday, November 20, 2006

City Hall Closed Thursday & Friday

City Hall will be closed Thursday & Friday for the Thanksgiving Holidays. As usual, we will have on call maintenance and the Police will be working normal shifts.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Joey and Allison have a blog for their son Case. Just wanted to let you all know it is there and there are many great photos of him, and mom and dad get in there every now and then.

City Receives ORCA Grant

The Mayor and I traveled to Arlington today to pick up a ceremonial check from the Office of Rural Community Affairs. It is a $250,000 project to rehabilitate lift stations on the South side of 276.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hoy Andrew Richards Dec. 25, 1931- November 9, 2006

My father passed away last week.
Dad was a great guy and was so many things to so many people.

The photo to the right was taken on our back porch this summer as Dad met his great-grandson, Case Andrew Richards. As you can tell, he was so very proud and the photo is among, if not, my favorite of my Dad.

In his profession, Dad designed safety programs, accident prediction formulas, and invented and implemented the national grade crossing inventory. His research and scientific approach led the efforts that reduced fatalities at rail/highway intersections from an average of 1,100 per year to well under 400 per year. Next time you are sitting at an intersection waiting for the train to go by, look for the number board on the pole of the warning device. That is one of his creations. He had so many others.

He was a combat Marine Corps veteran of the Korean War. A former Marine Drill Instructor. A member of the Corps of Cadets at Texas A & M. A Captain in the Air Force Reserves. A preacher's son. A husband for 55 years. A father for 53 years. A grandfather for 29 years. A great grandfather for seven months. He and Mom opened their home to 11 young Aggies who needed a place to stay, or a safe place to get their life back together. He taught Sunday School, coached Little League, won a school board seat, adopted Highway stretches to clean up in Texas and Colorado. He built barns, fish ponds, bridges across stock tanks, a small railroad museum, and many other projects with his family and friends.

I have not had time to sort through a lot of things but I do know that I am very proud to be his son and hope just a little of Dad has rubbed off on me and mine.

I very much appreciate the love and support, kind words and tears that have already been expressed from my friends, family, co-workers and business contacts.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Austin Trip, HOME Project

Was in Austin a couple of days last week. Spent Wednesday afternoon lobbying concerning the Sunset Commission Report to consolidate the Office of Rural Community Affairs with the Texas Department of Agriculture and then attended the implementation work shop for the OCC Portion of the HOME Program. The city was granted $270,000 to build five new homes for people who qualify. We will be taking applications from citizens starting in December. To qualify, a person must own their home and have their taxes current. People also qualify by income levels. This program is designed to serve low to very low income with preference given to senior citizens and those with some sort of a disability. It is a very good program and we are excited about it at City Hall.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Good Night for Trick or Treating- Voting on Tuesday

It was a very nice evening for Trick or Treat and we had quite a few customers. The local police were "pulling kids over" and handing out candy. Melanie and I sat out on the porch with the outdoor fire place going and packed it in at about 8 p.m.
Don't forget, election day is Tuesday and the local voting precinct is City Hall. The office will be closed for business on that day.