Monday, July 23, 2007

Kody, Case and Nanny at the Fort Worth Zoo

Case points out interesting creatures to Nanny and Kody at the Fort Worth Zoo. We spent the day Sunday hanging out with Joey, Allison and Case before putting Kody on the plane back to Amarillo. We had a great day at the zoo with those two. If you haven't visited lately, he has some new photos you will enjoy.

Kody's Summer Lake Visit

Kody was in town last week for his annual "alone time" with Nanny and Paw Paw and he had a lot of fun on the lake. He spent a lot more time swimming and tubing this year and he was a joy to have around. He will be 10 in October and he is so much fun to be around.

Friday, July 06, 2007

22 Pound Carp or Buffalo?

I don't know the difference between a carp and a buffalo, but when Mel said, "It's taking line!" I got over there quick. This is what she got to the boat, it took three of us to pick the net up (maybe a bit of an exaggeration). It is the boat record. She sure had fun with it and I was very proud of her.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

A Wonderful but Wet 4th

We had the whole gang for one night, then Kody went to a camp in Frisco so we had two grandsons and their parents for a wet weekend. The fireworks show across the lake had to get started early because of a storm and we barely got back to the boat dock before a huge rain hit.
On Sunday, Joey, Allison and I got up early to fish but it rained again. We were able to move our boat back to our boat dock behind our house for the first time since July 11, 2005. The lake is over pool level and we have not seen the lake this full in our 27 months here. Melanie, Josh and I took a cruise to see the people enjoying the 4th on their boat docks in our neighborhood and in Bella Vista. It was a sight to see.
The Chamber/City councert had to be cancelled Tuesday night because the city park is just flooded and guess what, I hear the drips on the roof as I write this Thursday morning.