Wednesday, February 29, 2012

First bluebonnet sighting for me

Went to Emhouse, Garrett, Blooming Grove and Corsicana today. Saw blooming bluebonnets just North of Palmer on I-45
All signs of spring are here but... I am not planning to plant veggies yet. We are enjoying some spinach and lettuce and it looks like we will have a bumper crop of cauliflower.

Monday, February 27, 2012

It was a beautiful East Texas Day

Drove to Frankston this afternoon. Dogwoods and daffodils are blooming and iris blooms will be next, followed by the azaleas. Mel, Bully and i walked to the dock and saw three planets and the constellation Leo. I pad is a wonderful tool.
And, by the way, the crappie have started biting!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The New Job

I have a lot to learn.
So far, in just over a month, i have visited with the city manager/city secretary for about 20 cities spread from new london to rice, attended a few city council meetngs, and mostly just listened to the challenges and issues facing Rural Texas.
The folks at GrantWorks have been very supportive, dont seem to mind my silly questions, and are in the business of helping to solve issues facing small communities.
I have also seen a lot of new country. Just yesterday, i did a little over 400 miles, many of the roads i had never been on in my life.
I very much enjoy listening to the trials and triumphs of small communities, and from time to time, sharing the experiences I had in beng responsible for the day to day operations of two city halls since 1996.
Melanie said last night, after listening to what had gone on during the day, it's good to see you having fun and helping again.
That, and the people i worked with, are what I miss about city work.
What i like most about the new gig, I can now do those same things, for so many more communities.
See ya out there