Monday, November 17, 2008

More from West Texas

Missy got a wonderful shot of a Mexican Brown Eagle and a mule deer doe between Fort Davis and the McDonald Observatory

Melanie and I feeding the fish at Balmorhea State Park. Our grandsons are going to take that trip with us soon.

West Texas Trip

Steve, Paul and me

Me with some blue quail

This is me, Steve and Leslie aboard Steve's hunting jeep

The weekend of November 10, I took a couple of days off and traveled to Midland to visit Melanie. We spent the weekend with Mel's sister Missy and her boyfriend, Paul. We also spent some time with Steve and Leslie. We traveled to a ranch near Balmorhea and spent the night, went on a quail hunt and a sight seeing tour. The next night we stayed at the State Park in a cabin and traveled over to the McDonald Observatory to watch their star party. It was a great weekend, met some neat people and saw some beautiful scenery and wildlife.