Saturday, February 28, 2009

Cabelas King Cat Classic Winners

5th went to Josh Cummings and Roy Ewing with 95.40 pounds
4th were Randy Jones and Ronald Teague with 97.60 pounds

3rd went to Tommy Roedell and Wes Brogan with 119.45 pounds

2nd place went to Cody & Billy Mulenix with 148.95 pounds

1st Place with 189.90 pounds and 1st Place with the Big Fish of 56.20 pounds was the team of Mickey Petree and Steve Nelson

The West Tawakoni Economic Development Corporation hosted their 2nd Cabelas King Cat Tournament at Lake Tawakoni Saturday, Feb. 28th. The wind was howling and it was cold but 48 teams entered and all made it back safely.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

HOME construction underway

Construction started last week on two homes here under an affordable housing program administered by the State of Texas.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Spring Coming to the Lake

I wish I could post some crappie photos but I have only caught 9 so far this year. Last week, Joey called and told me to go to and order a new digital camera and throw my old one in the lake. Here are some early spring flower shots from the front yard.

Going to be a busy weekend coming up as the Cabela's Catfish tournament will be held at the City Park. Will post some big ol' catfish pictures next week.